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"A Plan to Make Dayton
An Illegal Alien Friendly City"
The Welcome Dayton Plan approved by the Dayton Ohio City Commission violates federal law. Specifically, the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) of 1996. Read more below!
The Welcome Dayton Plan Deception Here's proof that the Plan includes Illegal Aliens By Steve Salvi, Founder, Ohio Jobs & Justice PAC
Local Government and Justice System 2. Adopt law enforcement policies that are “immigrant friendly” throughout the greater Dayton area. a. Emphasize immigration status checks limited to people suspected of serious crime only, and promote reporting of crime and prevent further victimization of victims of crime by not questioning victims/witnesses about their immigration status. b. Focus enforcement efforts on serious/violent crime and not federal immigration law.
2. Report Recommendation: Provide a municipal ID [only Illegal Aliens are not eligible for other valid ID].
Local Government and Justice System 5. Implement a municipal identification card program for community residents who are not eligible for any other accepted identifying document.
a. Develop a proposal statement outlining the reasons for and benefits of implementing a municipal ID card program in the areas of crime prevention, access to banking and financial services, and access to local services and businesses.
City Commission Office: City Hall, 101 W. Third St., Second Floor Phone: 937-333-3636 Fax: 937-333-4297 Email: Anita.Johnson@daytonohio.gov Mail: Dayton City Commission, P.O. Box 22, Dayton, Ohio 45401-0022
Not yet convinced that illegal aliens are a threat? Here are over two hundred article links that prove otherwise. Examples of illegal alien crime in Ohio Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial |
Dayton Mayor Leitzell Deceptive Statements; Puts Public Safety At Risk
Dayton Mayor Gary Leitzell says Immigration Enforcement is a Federal issue...yet he supports the Welcome Dayton Plan plan that hamstrings Dayton's Federal Immigration Law Enforcement?
Mr. Mayor, how are the Feds supposed to enforce U.S. immigration laws when you tell local law enforcement not to advise them about illegal aliens criminals in Dayton?
Cooperation with local law enforcement is critical to maintaining public safety not only in Dayton, but also Ohio and nationally. In fact, the U.S. Congress passed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) to require cities to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement authorities!
Dayton's City Manager Tim Riordan's misinformation & attack the facts campaign...
Dayton City Manager Tim Riordan calls concerned citizens "heinous and despicable" for bringing attention to how the Welcome Dayton Plan aids Illegal Aliens. ( I guess the truth hurts.)
Anyone who has studied illegal immigration and reads the Welcome Dayton Plan can identify those recommendations that specifically aid Illegal Aliens. For City Manager Riordan to frame the plan as one specific to legal immigrants & refugee is disingenuous at best.
We must wonder how fair and inclusive the plan's development process actually was when citizen with honest and well thought out questions are viciously attacked by the City Manager for daring to question the wisdom of the plan.
What actually happens when cities draw illegal aliens?
Dayton could learn from the experience of other towns that have communities of illegal aliens-- corruption. Listen to the first-hand experience of this Salem Ohio employment agency manager:
Allegations by Ohio worker that illegal aliens are not creating jobs--they are displacing U.S. workers
Here is what one former Sugardale plant worker in Canton said about illegal aliens (including children) working in Canton. He alleges that illegal aliens are displacing American workers in plants and factories in the Dover/Canton Ohio area.
OJJPAC Note: During this interview, the former Sugardale worker incorrectly states that if an illegal alien marries an American they automatically become a U.S. citizen, they don't. Also, although it is true that most Hispanic illegal aliens don't speak English, or limited English, it is incorrect to assume illegality solely on that basis.
How is Dayton's Welcome Plan working?
Here's one article about a "welcomed" Dayton immigrant businessman who has already scammed and defrauded the government and possibly put national security at risk with fraudulent visa applications.
Read the U.S. Attorney's case summary here.
Examples of "alleged" crimes by Illegal Aliens in Dayton Ohio
Arrested: Illegal alien Arriaga-Reyes (Server at Mi Jalapeno restaurant): Police find kilos of drugs; Clark County trafficking tied to Mexico, prosecutors says, By Jessica Heffner, Springfield News Sun, 8-29-13 (Possession of drugs, money laundering, drug trafficking, pattern of corrupt activity, conspiracy)
Arrested: Illegal alien Fanisa Shaydullina, Charges against Turkish Immigrants in FBI Dayton raid detailed in courtWHIO-TV, 8-28-13 (Weapons charge; entering the U.S. illegally)
Examples of "alleged" crimes by Refugees in Dayton Ohio
Arrested refugees Muzaffar Mirsoliyev, 28 and Mustafo Mirsoliyev, 51. Charges against Turkish Immigrants in FBI Dayton raid detailed in courtWHIO-TV, 8-28-13 (Crimes: Alleged wire fraud, food stamp fraud; and weapons charges)
Examples of "alleged" crimes by Aliens with student visa's in Dayton Ohio
Arrested Congolese man in U.S. on student visa. Jean Paul Mpanarwa, 26. Suspect in custody in rape of 90-year-old, By Andy Sedlak and Katie Wedell, The Dayton Daily News, 8-17-13 (Crime: Alleged rape. Previous sex conviction.)
Archive of Dayton Welcome Plan
News Article Links
Dayton Police Chief Richard Biehl Met With President Obama About Immigration Reform [Amnesty], ABC TV-22, 5-16-14 New
Dayton aims to help illegal immigrant crime victims, By Jeremy P. Kelley, Dayton Daily News, 2-14-13
Dayton's Immigration Strategy for Growth is Gaining Notice, Fox News Latino, 5-10-12
Read the report here, including lawless Section 5!
Welcome Dayton [Illegal] Immigrant Plan Approved
Dayton to create new ID's for illegal aliens?
Welcome Dayton Plan implementation delayed.
County Latino Coalitions invite Wahlrab to discuss Welcome Dayton: Immigrant Friendly Plan.
Stop the fraudulent Mexican Matricula Consular in Ohio NOW! Important OJJPAC notice! The Mexican government is handing out Matricula Consular ID cards to illegal aliens in Ohio. OJJPAC became aware of this phony ID give-away to illegal aliens via a State of Ohio website. [Yes, these idiots are helping illegals get fraudulent ID's so they can more easily live and take jobs away from unemployed Ohio men and women who are trying to feed their children.]. What disgraceful Ohio agency is wasting your tax money to support illegal aliens in Ohio? Not surprisingly it is the Ohio Commission on Hispanic/Latino Affairs. Click here to see the stupidity for yourself. OJJPAC ACTION ALERT!!! Call governor Kasich and your state senator and representative and demand that the Ohio Commission on Hispanic/Latino Affairs stop supporting the release of more fraudulent Matricula Consular ID's in Ohio. These ID's hamper U.S. national security efforts and put your family and law enforcement at risk from the criminals who will obtain these phony ID's. |
The only people who need these phony ID cards are terrorists and illegal aliens. |
Q) Who is the hero of Illegal Aliens? Hint: It's not George Washington, Abe Lincoln, FDR, or Bill Clinton. A) Marxist-Leninist Revolutionary Che Guevara! |
The Obama U.S. Dept. of [In]Justice? Obama Justice Dept. forces Dayton to lower standards on cops' employment tests "F" scoring minorities now can become cops? Equal opportunity...or opportunity for resentment? OJJPAC note (by Steve Salvi): According to a radio interview (I heard on Radio WTAM 1100), the DOJ has held up the city of Dayton's hiring process so long that the city has been forced to accept (and not appeal) the DOJ's demand for lowering test score standards for at least some classes of minority candidates. Supposedly Dayton has so few officers now due to retirements, that the city must hire officers even if they failed their exams. In my opinion, the DOJ's actions actually harms minorities by undermining those current and future police candidates that are well qualified minorities. The DOJ's action will also cause resentment among well qualified non-minority candidates. The continuing violation of Americans' civil rights by the Obama D.O.J. |
Ohio Jobs & Justice PAC
Email: salvi@ojjpac.org
OJJPAC, P.O. Box 46219, Bedford, OH 44146
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